Yes, you can use your personal credit cards to get money for your new business idea. Before you do beware of the pitfalls and hazards of this type of startup funding.
Types of Credit Cards to Use Business Needs:
Different types of cards, personal and business, have very different federal protections for fraud and credit limits. Business cards often have the highest limits and best rewards such as special on office supply stores since they are explicitly created for small company usage.
While you can use either type for your firm’s purchases, both need to be paid on time or otherwise you will seriously damage your personal credit, which will negatively affect your ability to get business loans in the future.
- Compare Interest Rates on Business Credit Cards – Visit websites like, and to study interest rates, rewards programs, and the annual fees charged.
- Rewards and Perks from Credit Cards – Remember that most credit cards for business are not protected by our government’s acts including the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act which was enacted in 2009 to protect consumers from unreasonable fee hikes.